Ingeborg Schnack, Rilke Chronik

Tipps und Kritiken zu Werken rund um Rilke

Moderatoren: Thilo, stilz

Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 10. Nov 2018, 02:49

Ingeborg Schnack, Rilke Chronik

Beitrag von jubilan »

Forgive the English! - does anyone know if Ingeborg Schnack's chronicle of Rilke's life has been translated into English?

If not, can anyone advise how I would have her work translated into English?

Thank-you for your attention!

Beiträge: 1232
Registriert: 26. Okt 2004, 10:25
Wohnort: Klosterneuburg

Re: Ingeborg Schnack, Rilke Chronik

Beitrag von stilz »

Hallo Julian,

Sorry to say - I don't know for sure, but I don't think there is an English translation.
The only thing I can offer:
If you need a specific information, I could translate it for you (but of course not the whole work).

"Wenn wir Gott mehr lieben, als wir den Satan fürchten, ist Gott stärker in unseren Herzen. Fürchten wir aber den Satan mehr, als wir Gott lieben, dann ist der Satan stärker." (Erika Mitterer)
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 10. Nov 2018, 02:49

Re: Ingeborg Schnack, Rilke Chronik

Beitrag von jubilan »

Thank-you Stilz, kind of you to offer!

However, I want to have Ingeborg Schnack's work translated into English as it will help with research and new work on Rilke, and not just for me. Currently, the rights are held by Suhrkamp Verlag (from Insel Verlag) - would you have an idea on the best way to approach them about the rights?

Thank-you for your kind attention,
