Die Suche ergab 7 Treffer

von henryrholland
5. Sep 2014, 14:59
Forum: Gedichte
Thema: Rilke, hydrangeas and other plants: who's written what?
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 10852

Rilke, hydrangeas and other plants: who's written what?

The more I read Rilke the more I wonder about Rilke and plants. After 13 years in Germany I don't stop enjoying the line, "Jetzt reifen schon die roten Berberitzen": yet I've not managed to find the plants in the wild here in central Europe. Who has written on Rilke and plants, and on Rilk...
von henryrholland
5. Sep 2014, 14:43
Forum: Rilke-Publikationen, Neuerscheinungen
Thema: English translations from New Poems: selected examples.
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 11275

English translations from New Poems: selected examples.

I'd like to inform readers about my ongoing publication of translations of various poems from 'New Poems', which I'm currently publishing on my blog at regular intervals. Online publication must be considered alongside print and ebook translation if The Academy wants to obtain an accurate picture of...
von henryrholland
5. Sep 2014, 14:35
Forum: Übersetzung eines Rilke-Textes gesucht
Thema: English translation of Blaue Hortensie
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 10797

English translation of Blaue Hortensie

Foremost for the non-German speakers, but also for all those engaging with/studying Rilke's international reception: I've now published online a comparison between what could be seen as a definitive translation by William Gass ~ published as it is in Michael Hofmann's canon forming 'The Faber Book o...
von henryrholland
5. Sep 2014, 14:34
Forum: Übersetzung eines Rilke-Textes gesucht
Thema: Englische Übersetzung von 'Blau Hortensie'
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 10498

Englische Übersetzung von 'Blau Hortensie'

Foremost for the non-German speakers, but also for all those engaging with/studying Rilke's international reception: I've now published online a comparison between what could be seen as a definitive translation by William Gass ~ published as it is in Michael Hofmann's canon forming 'The Faber Book o...
von henryrholland
5. Sep 2014, 14:29
Forum: Gedichte
Thema: "Blaue Hortensie"-Phonetische Aspekte
Antworten: 23
Zugriffe: 37210

Re: "Blaue Hortensie"-Phonetische Aspekte

Foreremost for the non-German speakers, but also for all those engaging with/studying Rilke's international reception: I've now published online a comparison between what could be seen as a definitive translation by William Gass ~ published as it is in Michael Hofmann's canon forming 'The Faber Book...
von henryrholland
5. Sep 2014, 14:27
Forum: Gedichte
Thema: Blaue Hortensie / Blue Hydrangea: new English translations.
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 11120

Blaue Hortensie / Blue Hydrangea: new English translations.

Foremost for the non-German speakers, but also for all those engaging with/studying Rilke's international reception: I've now published online a comparison between what could be seen as a definitive translation by William Gass ~ published as it is in Michael Hofmann's canon forming 'The Faber Book o...
von henryrholland
4. Sep 2013, 12:16
Forum: Gedichte
Thema: "Blaue Hortensie"-Phonetische Aspekte
Antworten: 23
Zugriffe: 37210

"Blaue Hortensie"- A new English translation.

Liebes Forum, dear Forum users, in all this discussion of phonetic aspects of "Blaue Hortensie" - Blue Hydrangea, it's surely worth considering how the poem works phonetically in translation. My experience of translating Blaue Hortensie into English this August (2013) -- a translation whic...